pomaika`i: my work, my thoughts and my reflections. living with aloha

Thursday, January 05, 2006

December 28

December 30

December 21 December 22

December 23 December 25

December 27

December 16

December 18

December 19 December 20

December 13-water color crayons, also white puff paint on stocking

December 14--silent night in Hawaiian as border

December 15

December 5

December 10

December 11

December 2--snowflake front and back

title page

Christmas Journal class with Shimelle
My main purpose in doing this class was to capture a Chistmas while my son is still young. We have lots of magic in our house and I wanted to make sure that I remembered the way it was. I used to journal a lot, but haven't consistently made the time for it since finishing college. So I also wanted to jumpstart myself journaling again. I was able to do both and I am very grateful to Shimelle for offering this opportunity. I kept up and made time each day, though I did not get to sleep early like I should LOL. Here is a sampling of my work, mostly I just wrote and doodled, but then again, my main purpose was to get my journaling going. Enjoy!