pomaika`i: my work, my thoughts and my reflections. living with aloha

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

An EGGciting Story...LOL

My final challenge for March is up at Secret Scrapper...it's really easy! You will get entered into a RAK drawing and a Grand Prize drawing!  

Aloha mai! 
I hope you are having a wonderful last week on March!  It's going out like a Lion that's for sure! Temps were almost freezing here today! 

I wanted to share a fun project for you.  When the eggs are dyed...

and you have your L"egg"mosine ready to roll...

what can you do with the left over dye besides throw it down the drain?!

I took an informal survey, and asked these P"egg"ple what they thought...

and they said ...

What did they say????We're dyeing to know!!

...that any crafter would of course use the dye to make embellishments!  LOL

so here are some fun tags that I will be happy to use on my future card making projects! 

These are just some white office tags I had in my stash.  BORING.  LOL.  Not any more! 
What do you think? 

Enjoy life!  
a hui hou! 


scrappinkay said...

well, aren't you a smart cookie, what a great idea.

Unknown said...

fun idea! LOVE those ADORABLE eggies!

Alycia Sanders said...

cute eggs! and great idea!

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

You are definately creative. I would have thrown out the dye. You are making me take a second look at things.

I love the faces on the eggs.

Anonymous said...

I love your egg pictures and the tags!!!! So wish I would have thought about that while I had over 12 different dies out at easter! April