Aloha mai,
pomaika`i: my work, my thoughts and my reflections. living with aloha
Covering Chipboard Album Covers Using Mod Podge:
When covering chipboard album covers that I create from scratch, I use Mod Podge. I like to have my album covers sealed for durability and Mod Podge does a great job with this.
If you enjoy altering, then you might invest in a little bottle of Mod Podge and some 1-inch sponge brushes.
Mod Podge comes in different finishes. Matte and Glossy. I recommend the glossy finish. It comes with an orange label. I have used the matte finish for years, and just started using the glossy because I ran out and that was the only option. I love it! In my opinion it’s much easier to work with!
a. Coat the surface of your chipboard, then coat your patterned paper. The paper should have a thin layer of Mod Podge, but it should not be dry appearing when you adhere. Place the paper onto the surface, adjust (coating both surfaces will give you the ability to slide and adjust).
b. Brayer: Immediately after adhering, use a Brayer to smooth the surface of the paper working from the inside to the outside edges. This will get rid of any air bubbles which is important if you are going to coat the surface of your paper for durability. If you can’t reach some areas with a brayer, or don’t have one, then use your fingers, or a bone folder (gently).
c. Trim excess patterned paper. Turn the chipboard over and trim excess paper off of edges with a sharp exacto blade or sand or cut with a scissors.
d. Add photo matts, words and flat embellishments with Mod Podge
***Designer tip-if you are going to add a top layer of Mod Podge to seal your project, then you MUST add anything under that top layer with Mod Podge. It will act as an adhesive. Be sure to use the brayer after you adhere each piece.
You do not have to seal your project. This is up to you.
Ribbon can be added with Mod Podge, but will look different under a surface layer of Mod Podge. Have fun experimenting.
e. Add 3-D embellishments like flowers and buttons and ribbons etc with strong glue.
I hope this tutorial helped you feel a little more comfortable with Mod Podge.
Until next time...
a hui hou!