Aloha Mai,
A funny story:
If you can't guess what's wrong, don't feel too bad, this listing was up and running in my Etsy Shop for a day before I realized that the word was spelt "rong" LOL. I had also sent photos around to a few friends to show my new creation and no one caught it. LOL
Since I had to pull it apart, I decided to re-work the design and here's the new listing:

Another question for you:
What do Mom, Recipe and Rolodex have in common?
They are my newest altered canvases!
You can see the results in my Etsy store. They are up for grabs! LOL. I hope you'll check it out.

The Mom and Recipes albums are from Secretscrapper. Mandy does an awesome job with creating them. I hope you'll check out the site for any personalized album under the sun! I'm working with her on some album designs exclusive to Scrapaloha.com! I'll keep you posted!

The little rolodex, I love these, so cute!!! I have three more that I can 't wait to play with. Who knows what I'll do with them!

BTW A big thank you to the Rusty Pickle team. My marble track was chosen to as the March Blog Challenge winner! Hooray! I'm so excited!

It's spring break and DS and I went down to Pike place market and the Seattle Aquarium to take photos. He is getting ready for a local kid's photo contest. When he was little I used to take him everywhere! I miss that now that he's older. Well, guess what, now we'll go around to different places to shoot pictures together. How fun is that!!! I'm really excited!
Well, take care and have an awesome week! I've been working on a few projects and have some reviews coming out soon at Scrapfriends. I'll post when they're up!
until then...
A hui hou!
I was starting to worry about you, sounds like you are a busy girl.
Have a good week.
Oooh, love those projects. You are such a talent! The spelling thing is hilarious. And when you finally catch an error like that it's like, "i really missed that?" hehe.
How were the classes with Lance? Tell me all about it! And chocolate, of course! =) Did he love it? Congrats on the win, too. You're rocking the RP challenges!
And thanks for the well wishes! I'm fully recovered and Terrance is almost as good as new. =) She's a tough little thing.
take care.
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