pomaika`i: my work, my thoughts and my reflections. living with aloha

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mixed Media Arts

I don't often do much with mixed media.  I am lazy for the most part.  I love the look, but not the involved processes.  I enjoy much simpler things.   I was "forced" to create with mixed media this past month for a review of a new book "Exploring the Latest Trends In Mixed Media Arts".  This is one of the fun things about being a review team member over at ScrapFriends.  I have to stretch my creative muscle.  By the way, the book is a great one for finding recipes for all sorts of projects.  I think it is best for intermediate to advanced crafters though, unless you are a really motivated beginner. 

I have to say I was super excited about one project, a little Starbucks mint tin of all things.   You can read all about process here, but to make a long story short, I finally used a copper antiquing kit that I purchased with good intentions of using many many years ago!  I was tickled pink at how it turned out!


One more project I created were these pretty cool fabric/paper postcards.  The great thing about this project was that I used many of the little scrap and mismatched things that had lying around from other projects (I have a hard time throwing anything out).  I haven't actually sent one in the mail yet, but I have always been fascinated by mail art and can't wait to be a part of it.  In fact, this reminds me that I should go and do that right now! LOL

Hope you enjoyed these projects! 
a hui hou! 

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