pomaika`i: my work, my thoughts and my reflections. living with aloha

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lucky Duck!

Aloha Mai! 
Happy Valentine's Day!  I made the traditional huge cookies for DS and DH.  LOL.  I was wondering why the cookies looked a little grainy.  I only put one stick of butter rather than the one cup the recipe called for.  LOL.  I had two sticks, I just spaced.  Well, I saved them lots of calories!  

I made a second card for the Cardvaarks "Welcome Baby" Challenge.  The first one I forgot to stamp on though I don't think it was required.  Anyway, I had my mind set to make another card and here it is.  I used flocking to make the little duck all soft and fuzzy.  His wing folds down to reveal a mini card.  I call it Lucky Duck because all of the wonderful things are checked on this Baby's list!  

I hope you have a wonderful evening.  Thanks for visiting! 
a hui hou! 

Supplies: Cardstock-Colormates, Stamps-Queen Kat Designs, Foil and flocking-The Candy Shop, Button & Brad-SEI, Rhinestones-Bead Party, Alpha Beads, Template my own design, ribbon.


Sandy said...

What a wonderful idea and so lovely duck. Gorgeous.

Sarah Rice said...

your little ducky is SO cute! Love how you used that QKD stamp!

lauren bergold said...

OMG!!! this is totally ADORABLE! how frickin' *clever* are you??! (hint: very, VERY clever indeed!)

ScrapAloha said...

LOL, Thanks hee hee!